How We Think
The mind set on the flesh is death and at war with God. That is the "unrenewed" mind. In essence, the renewed mind is the mind of Christ. It is able to demonstrate the will of God, which is best described in the prayer, "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:10). The exhortation of Scripture is clear, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5 NKJV). The renewing of the mind begins with our new identity obtained at the cross. We were once slaves of sin, but are now slaves of righteousness. Our thought life must support that reality. The apostle Paul emphasized that in his letter to the church at Rome, saying, "Even so, think of yourself dead to sin" (Rom 6:11). It's an attitude... a way of thinking... an evidence of repentence.
The mind has a power to affect our behavior either positive or negatively. But it does not possess the power to change our nature. That alone is accomplished when we are born again. When people are born again, they are transformed from the inside out. It is not the external things that are likely to change first. God takes up residence in our hearts, transforming us, as it really is an inside job. On the other hand, religion works on the outside. While it can bring conformity, it is powerless to bring transformation.
"For as he thinks within himself, so he is" (Prov. 23:7). When we are charged to think of ourselves as dead to sin, it is more than a suggestion to think positively about our conversion. It is an invitation to step into the momentum of a reality made available only through the cross. The supernatural power released in this way of thinking is what creates a lifestyle of freedom. It is able to do this because is it TRUTH. To say that I have sinned is true. To say that I am free of sin is truer still. The renewed mind is necessary to more consistently taste the supernatural life, which God intended to be the normal Christian life.
~~Bill Johnson, The Supernatural Ways of Royalty; page 56.
yum! good stuffff!!! more revelation Daddy!