Tuesday, September 22, 2009


there is a reason for everything.

today, i am sick and home from work and school. ive got bronchitis, which has been coming on for a long while. i have been fighting to keep life going as usual, unaware that maybe God wanted me to just rest and recuperate. so now i am, and it is so good!

i have spent today sleeping, listening to music, and watching youtube videos of some awesome speakers. already, i am receiving so much. it is like a vacation for my soul. i was just listening to allen hood speak about the third heaven, the city built by God. it is ridiculous. he talks about how God revealed to him how we strive and strive and yet it carries no power because we have no vision of the Holy City. we dont know anything about it! we are CITIZENS of that city! how can we not know???

Allen mentioned that the apostle John fell down three times in the New Testament: once before Jesus, once before the Bride in Revelation, and once before the Holy City.

Where are you living?

Colossians 3:1-2

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not the things of this earth.

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